Chicken pulao recipe
the best thing about Chicken pulao recipe is it is a complete meal in itself. You do not need to cook any other meal to accompany it. You can easily eat it without any other thing if you like as it has spices, juiciness, and chicken. But if you like, you can always eat it with some salad as I prefer a chickpeas salad or maybe at times plain yogurt. It is very easy to cook this mildly spiced one-pot Chicken pulao recipe.
Ingredients Chicken pulao recipe
- 1 kg Chicken (cut into small pieces)
- 2 cups of Rice
- 1 large onion (sliced)
- 2 medium-sized tomatoes (finely chopped)
- 2-tablespoon ginger garlic paste
- 1-tablespoon Garam masala (you can also add Shan pulao biryani ½ packet if you like or can find)
- Salt and black pepper (to taste)
- ½ teaspoon of coriander powder
- 4-5 cloves
- 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
- ½-teaspoon Fennel seeds (saunf)
- 1-tablespoon yogurt
- ½-teaspoon cumin powder
- 1-tablespoon lemon juice
- ½-teaspoon lemon rind
- ¼ teaspoon Basil leaves
- Oil for cooking
- 2-3 green chilies (optional)
- Green coriander (optional, to garnish)
Direction Chicken pulao recipe
- In a large pot add oil on a medium heat and fry cumin, fennel, coriander and basil leaves.
- Add ginger garlic paste and let it aromatic.
- Slice onions, add and fry until the onions will be translucent or you can turn them to light brown color. It will take 5-10minutes.
- Chop chicken, add with onions, stir and fry chicken until it will no longer be pink, and change its color.
- Cut the tomatoes, add tomatoes, and let it cook until all the tomatoes will mix in and become thick gravy and oil will shine.
- Time to add all the spices salt, pepper, chilies, cloves, Garam masala, turmeric powder, and yogurt.
- Stir and cook for 4-5 minutes.
- Pour 4 cups of water and let it boil.
- Wash and rinse rice and add in boiling water, using a wooden spoon with light hands, mix everything once or twice and turn the flame to high. Add lemon juice and mix.
- Let the water evaporate while the pot is uncovered.
When the water will almost absorb in water and you cannot see water on top of rice then cover the pot with a lid, if you like, you can add any weight on the lid to keep the moisture inside as well, but it is not necessary.
- Cook rice for 10-15 minutes until the rice will be tender and all water will be absorbed.
- Open the pot; add lemon rind and green chilies and green coriander if you like. Give it a little mix using light and soft moves of hands.
Dish out hot and enjoy Chicken pulao recipe with yogurt or any salad of your choice.
You can always add fresh mint leaves, coriander leaves or spring onions inside to add more flavor.
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